We are “Ryujin Gakuso” : the group play the traditional Japanese music.
Black Tortoise of the North means “Recovery”
Vermillion Birds of the South means “Peace”.
Azure Dragon of the East means “Celebration”.
White Tiger of the West means “Victory”
The four symbols power are included our music.
Our music is started from the flute, and “sho” which is a traditional Japanese wind musical instrument adds solemnity.
The highlight of this movie is “Ranryo Ou” from east and west.
Our performance “Bugaku Ryo Ou” changed the meaning of “victory” to “celebration” when it is spread in Silk Road.
You can learn the difference and process which is choreographed.
Our “Ranryo Ou” has both clear differences and same expression, so we hope you enjoy it.
There is no precedent for this sort of performances.
“Gagaku” which is ancient Japanese court music has been succeeded more than 1,000 years. It expresses traditional Japanese songs and dance, and the melody play an important role in ceremony and Shinto rites to add solemnity and gorgeously.
“Thanks to Kami”
The blessing, the happiness which we can have healthy body and sound mind. A Shinto priest starts and ends a day to convey awe to Kami.
Gagaku which used Shinto rites is the melody that a man relaxes and please Kami.
1000년을 넘어 지금도 계승되는 일본식 아악.
전통적인 일본국유의 풍습을 담은 곡과 무용으로 표현되고 아악의 음색은 신에 관한 의식에 엄숙함과 화려함을 더하는 역할을 맡는다.
[감사의 마음]
삶의 은혜을 느끼고 마음도 몸도 건강할 수 있는 행복.
그런 일상의 경의를 신에게 전해 신관으로서의 하루가 시작하고 끝난다.
의식에 사용되는 아악은 ‘신께서 포근해지시고 즐기시기 위한 음’